Industry gold standards of data security
Password policies
2-factor authentication
We protect what matters and you can always request a full audit report of what we collect

🔐 Your data is always your data

we just securely look after it for you

🛡️ Seriously secure

Trialflare takes a very strong stance when it comes to protecting your data - whilst also making it available to you in useful ways.

All data you create and generate through trials on Trialflare is owned by you and your team; we just securely look after it for you.

At any time you can export collected data into re-usable formats (e.g. CSV, Excel).

We'll look after it for as long as you need but you can choose to delete it at any time in-line with your own processes or compliance needs.

🗄️ Diligent data centres

Trialflare delivers its services through the cloud. All of our datacentres enforce the strictest security practices. So much so that the same datacentres are trusted by the likes of the US Department of Defense, Symantec, and Vodafone.

Our datacentres are independently audited and are certified for compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 27017:2015, and 27018:2014.

Trialflare itself also maintains strong personal data protections. We are registered with the ICO, have a dedicated Data Protection Officer, and are compliant with relevant regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA.

⚖️ Comprehensively compliant

adhering to the best international regulatory standards

Trialflare has proved a really accessible way to collect data

"Being able to use a personal mobile means that staff who do not have access to a computer during their working day can be included in research and evaluation projects, and it avoids the time and expense of having to rely on pen and paper.”

Dr. Clare Wright
Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Systemic Psychotherapist, NHS Wales

[It was] easy for coordinators and participants to navigate and get involved with using iPads

"Data automatically synced as it was captured, allowing the research teams to directly access it without involving any extra work for our coordinators."

Dr. Maria Hristova
Project Leader, Comac Medical CRO

We are very pleased with the performance of this platform

Trialflare enabled us to complete anonymised cognitive tests at regular intervals and to record (paperlessly) details of lifestyle changes and wellbeing metrics over a period of nine months.Via the platform, these data were efficiently and accurately captured remotely with a low level of resource commitment.

Dr. Sue Plummer
CEO & Research Director, Cultech Ltd
Get in Touch
If you have any further questions, would like to book an introductory call or demo, please do get in touch
Free ongoing support
Free ongoing training
Bespoke features on request
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