✍🏾 eConsent

full transparency for you and your participants

🤝🏽 On web or smartphone

with full audit trails of signatories

Eligibility criteria

Write inclusion and exclusion criteria into your consent document so that you only enrol the right cohort for your research.

Participant information sheet (PIS)

Fill out your eConsent form with as much information as is appropriate for your study.

PDF copies

Digital eConsent copies are encrypted and backed up but are also shared with the participant and any study team members needed.

Version control

If you need to make any changes to a consent document, Trialflare's version control prevents participants from digitally signing expired consent forms.

Rich text and images

Dress-up your consent documents with any additional information you need - whether it's styling for converying critical information or useful imagery.

Trialflare has proved a really accessible way to collect data

"Being able to use a personal mobile means that staff who do not have access to a computer during their working day can be included in research and evaluation projects, and it avoids the time and expense of having to rely on pen and paper.”

Dr. Clare Wright
Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Systemic Psychotherapist, NHS Wales

[It was] easy for coordinators and participants to navigate and get involved with using iPads

"Data automatically synced as it was captured, allowing the research teams to directly access it without involving any extra work for our coordinators."

Dr. Maria Hristova
Project Leader, Comac Medical CRO

We are very pleased with the performance of this platform

Trialflare enabled us to complete anonymised cognitive tests at regular intervals and to record (paperlessly) details of lifestyle changes and wellbeing metrics over a period of nine months.Via the platform, these data were efficiently and accurately captured remotely with a low level of resource commitment.

Dr. Sue Plummer
CEO & Research Director, Cultech Ltd

⚖️ Comprehensively compliant

adherent to GDPR / HIPAA / MHRA / HRA / EMA guidelines and more


Anonymisation tools to help support anonymity of participants. Participants can also be auto-allocated to groups and pseudo-randomised where needed.

Hide personal information

Customise and store any personally identifiable information you need to whilst keeping it locked-down to study team members with the correct access privilages.

User lockout

If participants have not provided consent they cannot login. Trialflare's participant app prevents unwilling or uninformed participants from risking their safety.


Get the greatest confidence when enrolling participants with two-factor authentication. Unique one-time codes sent by SMS to help validate their identity.

Seriously secure

Everything in Trialflare is encrypted at rest and in transit and any links that are provided need authenticated users to access data. These links also expire after a short time.

🔐 Secure but accessible

and easy setup for users of all skill levels

🔗 URLs for sharing

Keep it as a URL for advertising yourstudy, or,transform it into a QR code for easy scanning with smartphone cameras.

Beautiful interface

Easy to navigate tabs with discrete functions that help you break apart bigger tasks into small manageable chunks.

Assign key users

Assign a consent champion or moderator to oversee all eConsent submissions.

Easy to make changes

If your IRB or REC require you to make changes, make any version changes you need to at the click of a button.
🤝🏽 All Trialflare solutions
learn more about all of our other solutions here
Beautiful and responsive eCRFs with advaned functionality for users of all skill levels.
eCRF Solution
Gather data from participants from wherever they are and in multiple languages.
ePRO Solution
Polls & Surveys
Deploy rich polls and surveys to gather anonymised data instantly. Customise with your own branding, colours, logos and unique QR codes.
Polls & Surveys Solution
Access participant's health data from their smart watch. Collect stress, sleep, heart rate, respiration, exercise and fitness metrics and lots more.
✔️ Trialflare is a Garmin Partner
Wearables Solution
Protect your participants with full transparency and all the information they need to make a decision on whether to take part in your research.
eConsent Solution
Cognitive Tests
Assess mood, well-being, cognitive ability and more in healthy volunteers or specific neurodegenerative cohorts.
Cognitive Tests Solution
Ensure participant identity protection with tools to auto-allocate IDs and treatment groups rich in powerful automations.
Randomization Solution